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Inter-American Development
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About the Authors and Contributing OrganizationsAntonio García Zaballos is a lead specialist on telecommunications in the Institutions for Development Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). He is also the leader of the broadband initiative. He has extensive experience in the telecom sector, where has worked in a variety of different positions at increasing levels of responsibility. At Deloitte Spain, he led regulation and strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean, and previously he was the chief economist of the Cabinet for Economic Studies of Regulation at Telefónica of Spain. Before joining Telefonica, Antonio was deputy director of economic analysis and markets at the Spanish telecom regulator. During his career, Antonio has provided advisory services to regulators, telecom operators, and governments in countries such as Argentina, China, the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Paraguay, Polonia, and Saudi Arabia. He holds a PhD in economics from the University Carlos III of Madrid and is an associate professor of applied finance for telecommunications at the Instituto de Empresa business school. He is the author of several publications on economics and regulations in the telecommunications sector.Inkyung Jeun is a consultant with the Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division of the IDB. Prior to joining the Bank, she was manager of the Computer Emergency Response Team at the Korea Internet and Security Agency. Before she joined that agency, she was a researcher at Samsung Electronics Co. She holds a...