The phenomena in the blast furnace hearth are extremely complex and the possibilities to directly measure its internal state are practically non-existent. In order to control the process to achieve smooth operation and long campaigns, a thorough understanding of the conditions in the hearth is required. Such knowledge can be gained through mathematical modeling of the internal conditions. Since the properties of the dead man are known to considerably affect the hearth conditions, a model describing the operation of the hearth with a sitting, partially or completely floating dead man has been developed. Simulation of the tap cycle of a one-taphole blast furnace shows the effect of boundary conditions, hearth geometry, coke voidage and dead-man floating state on the evolution of the liquid levels and the slag delay. On the basis of the computed inner geometry of the hearth, the model has been applied to data from a six-year period of a Finnish blast furnace, and it has been found to accurately predict the long-term variations in the slag delay.KEY WORDS: blast furnace hearth; tap cycle; dead man floating; slag delay. scend further to a certain (given or calculated) level below the taphole at the end of each tap. Under these assumptions, the voidage of the dead man can be estimated once in every tap cycle from produced and tapped quantities of iron.According to Zulli, 13) a coke-free zone at the bottom of the hearth does not influence the cyclic behavior of the liquid levels as long as its volume is constant and it does not extend above the surface of the iron phase. However, if a coke-free zone below the dead man exists, the reason must be that the dead man is (at least partially) floating, so the position of the dead man, and thus also the size of the free space below it, depends on the volume of the liquids in the hearth. From this it follows that it is likely that the volume of the free space varies and affects the liquid levels. Therefore, the methods for estimating the dead-man voidage reviewed above apply only for a hearth with a sitting dead man. This is one of the motivations behind the modeling effort presented in the present paper, where the effect of a floating dead man on the liquid levels is investigated. In particular, the implications of dead-man floating on the slag delay, t sl , i.e., the time of iron-only flow in the beginning of the tap, is studied.
The Tap CycleIn blast furnaces with one taphole, the tapping of iron and slag from the hearth follows a typical cycle, schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. When the taphole is closed both iron and slag accumulate in the hearth because of the progress of reduction and smelting of iron and slag formation. In the hearth the two liquids form separate layers, the dense iron on the bottom and the light slag layer floating on top of the iron bath. The taphole is generally kept plugged for at least 20-30 min to let the injected taphole mud solidify properly. Thus, as the tapping begins the iron-slag interface, henceforth called the iron level, is us...