The 3003 aluminum alloy was deformed with isothermal compression in a range of deformation temperature of 300-500°C at a strain rate of 0.0l-10.0 s -1 with a Gleeble-1500 thermal simulator. The results show that the flow stress of the 3003 aluminum alloy decreases with an increase in the deformation temperature or a decrease in the strain rate. A flow-stress constitutive model was build. The critical strain and steady strain were obtained with the strain-hardening rate. The critical strain increases with an increase in the Zener-Hollomon (Z) parameter, and the steady-state strain decreases with an increase in the Z parameter (a decrease in the deformation temperature or increase in the strain rate). A dynamic-recrystallization (DRX) state diagram was established in accordance with the eigenvalues of the flow-stress curve. Based on a microstructure observation, it was found that the smaller the Z parameter and the greater the strain, more complete was DRX. Keywords: 3003 aluminum alloy, dynamic recrystallization, state diagram, strain-hardening rate Avtorji prispevka so aluminijevo zlitino 3003 izotermno tla~no deformirali v obmo~ju deformacijskih temperatur med 300°C in 500°C pri hitrostih deformacije med 0,0l s -1 in 10,0 s -1 na termi~nem simulatorju Gleeble-1500. Rezultati deformacijskih preizkusov so pokazali, da meja te~enja izbrane zlitine pada z nara{~ajo~o temperaturo deformacije ali z zmanj{evanjem hitrosti deformacije. Na osnovi preizkusov so avtorji izdelali tudi konstitutivni model za mejo te~enja v odvisnosti od temperature in hitrosti deformacije. Kriti~no deformacijo in stalno deformacijo so dobili s hitrostjo deformacijskega utrjevanja. Kriti~na deformacija je nara{~ala z nara{~anjem Zener -Hollomonovega (Z) parametra, in stanje stalne deformacije se je zmanj{evalo z nara{~anjem Z parametra (zmanj{anje temperature deformacije ali pove~evanje hitrosti deformacije). Diagram stanja dinami~ne rekristalizacije (DRX) so izdelali s pomo~jo karakteristi~nih vrednosti krivulj te~enja. S kombinacijo mikrostrukturnih preiskav, manj{ih Z parametrov in ve~jih deformacij, so lahko izdelali bolj celovit DRX.