This study expects to decide the impact of occupation fulfillment and occupation devotion on hierarchical citizenship conduct in representatives of PT. Indosat Ooredoo Mobile Business Partner, Bengkulu City. the populace utilized in this study were all representatives of PT. Indosat Ooredoo Mobile Business Partner, Bengkulu City. the quantity of tests utilized upwards of 54 respondents. The information that has been gathered is handled utilizing the Classical Assumption Test Technique, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Technique, Coefficient of Determination Analysis (R2), and Partial Test (t-test), Simultaneous Test (f-test). The aftereffects of this study show that somewhat the Job Satisfaction variable significantly affects the variable Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Job Loyalty significantly affects the variable Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Commitment significantly affects the variable Organizational Citizenship Behavior. While the F trial of Job Satisfaction, Job Loyalty and Organizational Commitment affects Organizational Citizenship Behavior at PT. Indosat Ooredoo Mobile Business Partner, Bengkulu City.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Job Loyalty, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.