Objective: This study examined the relationship between behavioral factors, parents’ social status and inflammatory periodontal diseases among the Georgian students’ population. Methods: The study was based on the results of the examination of 400 medical students aged 18 to 35 (mean age 20.94+1.98) in Tbilisi universities. Students were selected random. The study was conducted according to a questionnaire developed by us, which includes the probable predictors of the periodontium - socio-biological characteristics, hygienic habits, harmful habits, type of diet, and parents’ social status. We used the Greene-Vermllion Hygiene Index to determine oral hygiene status. Statistical Analysis: Categorical variables are expressed by frequencies and percentag. Categorical variables were compared using Fisher's exact test. Correlation analysis between variables was performed by Spearman's correlation analysis. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows, version 23. European Scientific Journal, ESJ ISSN: 1857-7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857-7431 June 2021 Special Edition: Actual Problems of Medicine and Dentistry www.eujournal.org 22 Results : Among students who had inflammatory periodontal disease, had a high incidence of predominantly food carbohydrates, frequent consumption of sweet and spicy foods, fast foods and synthetic beverages, diet, smoking. Bad or very bad oral hygiene. It identifies the role of social factors in the manifestation of the disease. The hygiene index correlates with the periodontal index r=0.312, p=0.009. Conclusion: In Georgian population the inflammatory periodontal diseases have a incredibly high unsatisfactory hygenic status. The incidence of individuals is high, who undergo professional cleaning once or more rarely a year, and who use a circular movement, when brushing their teeth. Also who intake carbohydrates and fast and spicy foods, sweets, using of synthetic liquids and who smoke. A relation among inflammatory periodontal diseases, socio- economic status, and correlation of parents’ social status to oral care habits have been identified. Awareness of the need for dental services, the development of oral care habits, healthy diet, the prevention of manageable risk factors, hygiene, and professional cleaning of teeth is recommended for the prevention of periodontal inflammatory diseases.