To achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, overseas plantation projects have been conducted in several countries, including Vietnam. In the present study, stand growth models and a yield table were developed and used to analyze the economic feasibility of Acacia hybrid plantations in southern Vietnam. Diameter at breast height, tree height, and number of trees were determined in the field; basal area, mean height, dominant tree height, stand density, and stand volume were estimated using in situ data. The initial number of trees increased for five years and reached 4947 trees ha−1; tree numbers then decreased to 1987 trees ha−1 until the stands reached ten years of age. The highest current annual increment of stand volume was shown to be 46.23 m3 ha−1 yr−1 when stands were 7 years old. For 7 years of stand age, the net present value was USD 1566/ha, and the internal rate of return was 13%, exceeding the market interest rate (4%). Therefore, an A. hybrid plantation is a reasonable proposition for an overseas plantation project in southern Vietnam and the growth models will be useful for the management of an A. hybrid plantation.