Starting from the basic principles of talent cultivation mode, this paper proposes a reform strategy to optimize the talent cultivation mode of environmental design with the help of intelligent technology in order to improve the quality of talent cultivation and achieve the “first-class” level for the current talent cultivation mode of environmental design majors. The necessity of an intelligent database in environmental design teaching is analyzed, and the improved TF-IDF algorithm and automatic classification algorithm of resources are proposed to improve the search for teaching resources for environmental design majors. Then, based on the query, the teaching resource recommendation model (UBM) is proposed. An algorithmic comparison between the improved TF-IDF method and the UBM model is carried out to verify the effectiveness of the improved algorithmic model. Combining the traditional talent training model results with the intelligent technology-assisted talent training model results for independent samples of the T-value test. T-value test results show that the F-value is 0.317, the Sig-value is 0.782>0.05, and the significance corresponding to the ANOVA t-test value is 0.009<0.05. It indicates that there is a significant difference in the final examination results for environmental design in the classes of the experimental and control groups. It means that after one semester of intelligent technology-assisted teaching practice, the professional performance of environmental design students improves, which contributes to the cultivation of first-class professional talents. The use of an intelligent database can be one of the effective ways of cultivating talent.