Bherali mad (Caryota urens L.) is the medicinal plant used by the folklores in most of regions of Maharashtra. It
is also known as Surmad. Nuts of tree are popular by the name Ardhisupari means half betel nut. It is a long palm
tree. Traditionally it has been used to make toddy and jaggery, so it is also called as toddy palm or jaggery palm.
It is indigenous to India and Srilanka. It is found in moist forest of western and eastern coasts and cool, shady valley of Chota Nagpur, Orissa, West Bengal and Eastern India. It is now cultivated in Malaysia, Burma, Philippines
and Indonesia. Frequently cultivated in gardens. Tribal areas in Maharashtra like Konkan and Bheemashakar used
this plant for many purposes as making toddy, jaggery and also in disease conditions viz. burning sensation, arthritis, migrains, generalized weakness, thirst, fatigue, urinary disorders etc. Action of this if taken internally then
nutritious, aphrodisiacs and laxative. Most likely it is used as an application of juice ( toddy) on forehead in hemicrania. A glass of freshly drawn toddy is taken in hemicrania. Nut made into paste and applied on forehead in
hemicrania. Bherali mad ( Caryota urens L.) is Anukta dravya which has many medicinal properties, but it is an
underutilized. Main aim of this paper is to explore medicinal properties and phytoconstitute of Bherali mad and
drawn it to the mainstream so that we can use this medicine to the fullest extent and make it beneficial for people.