Schools in Chennai are run publicly by the government or run privately, some with financial aid from the government in Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. There are various systems of education – CBSE, Anglo Indian Board, ICSE Board, NIOS Board, Matriculation, Montessori, and State Board. From these, a massive study was conducted among 100,620 corporation school (state-run) students in the district of Chennai to find the prevalence of various dental diseases among them.
To evaluate and compare the prevalence of various dental diseases among the corporation school children from different zones of Chennai city.
Materials and Methods:
The study was carried out for a period of about 15 months. It involved diagnosis, therapeutics, and referral to the state-run dental hospital for further follow-up. The district of Chennai was divided into ten zones. The school students, zone-wise, were screened, diagnosed and the required treatments were done at the venue or were referred to the higher center for further examination or treatment. The data collected were divided into zone-wise categories on the basis of disease occurrence and treatment/referral done and were tabulated.
The result obtained was that an astounding 74.36% of corporation school students were afflicted with some form of dental disease.
Various associated factors such as lower socioeconomic status of the parents, educational background of the parents, dental education, and awareness among the school students could play major roles in the status of dental health among the corporation school children.