In this research, the connectivity status between natural environment (forests and rivers) and urban parks in view of ecological networks in a city is evaluated and on the basis of these evaluation results, a future connectivity enhancing recommendations are suggested.As a result, the 96.8% of the connectivity role of the neighborhood parks were core or connected parks and as in terms of the ecological pattern on the outer park, 84.1% of the case neighborhood parks were connected to the ecological element at least one side. Therefore, it can be expected to play a role as corridor that enables the direct connection with the natural environment if the connection plan is well established. As a result of connectivity evaluation of the parks, inside of the parks had low ecological element overall and had low connectivity, outside of the parks had 1.5 times more of low connectivity parks than high connectivity parks, and had similar disconnections such as facilities(fence, soundproof walls, breast walls, etc.), developments(roads, apartment complexes, industrial complexes, etc.), or poor greens regardless of the neighborhood with the * 이 논문은 2015년도 환경부 차세대 에코이노베이션 기술 개발 사업의 지원으로 수행되었습니다(과제번호: 416-111-015).