This paper introduces a multi-cell search method for heterogeneous networks (HetNet), in which user equipments need to search multiple cells in its vicinity simultaneously. Due to the difficulty of acquiring channel informations for multiple cells, a non-coherent approach is preferred. In this paper, a non-coherent single-cell search scheme using a weighted vector is proposed, and the successive interference cancellation based multi-cell search algorithm is devised. In order to improve cell search performance, the weighted vector is designed in a way to exploit the general characteristic of wireless channel. Based on the fact that the performance of the proposed single-cell search scheme deviates slowly from the one using the optimal weighted vector, a universal weighted vector is also proposed, which shows the performance close to the optimal ones for various channel environments and signal-to-noise ratio regimes. Simulation results confirm that the proposed multi-cell search algorithm is capable of identifying cells more accurately with the help of the proposed single-cell search scheme, and can detect the remaining cells more effectively by removing the signals of the identified cells from the received signal.※ 이 논문은 2016년 해양수산부 재원으로 한국해양과학기술진흥원의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(분산형 수중관측․제어망 개발)