Urban sprawl has been the limits of traffic accommodate and the supply road. Thus, Light Rail Transit(LRT) has been proposed as the best alternative. Owing to landscape damage from construction of LRT, landscape planning should be considered seriously in the urban planning step. This paper therefore seeks to determine landscape improvement direction of LRT pier. First, the methods in this study shared landscape improvement direction type of LRT pier through previous studies such as planting of surface(30%, 60%, 90% planting of surface), graphic(character, commercial advertising, symbol), and surface treatment type(exposed concrete, white painting, pattern dies). Next, respondent evaluated 3D simulated landscape image accordingly shared types by preference and landscape adjectives using in streetscape evaluation. As a result, visual preference was the highest in planting type of surface and the lowest in the surface treatment type. Covering 60%(4.48) in planting type of surface was the highest. Because it is similar to the golden ratio considering the visual principle, we 66 정성관․신재윤․김경태․임은나 will need to take advantage through the result of this paper. Also, most landscape improvement direction which satisfied with significant level showed a positive effect from landscape improvement.Comprehensively based on these results, it suggests desirable landscape improvement direction of LRT pier in the city for solution of landscape inhibition problem.