This research investigates the prediction of delaying gratification on game addiction among primary school students who attend the 3rd and 4th-grade. This study, in which the delay of gratification behaviour correlated with game addiction among children, was carried out using a descriptive survey model. The study sample consisted of 318 students who attend 3rd and 4th-grade classes in a primary school in Kocaeli. Of the total 318 participants, 103 (32.4%) were 3rd graders and 215 (67.6%) were 4th graders. The gender ratios of the participants were 48.4% (154) female and 51.6% (164) male students. In the study, the Game Addiction Scale in Children and the Delay of Gratification Scale was implemented as data collection instruments. SPSS 23.0 package program was used for the analysis of the data. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analyses were used to analyse the data. Analysis findings showed a significant and positive correlation between game addiction and subfactors in the delay of gratification behaviours with the value of r=.658 for internet and TV, r=.584 for technology, r=.501 for sports, r=.361 for money, and r=.174 for food. As a result of the regression analysis, it was seen that the delay of gratification behaviours and its subfactors affected game addiction. With these results, the research, aimed to contribute to the disciplines related to psychological counselling and addiction regarding psychometric qualifications.