주제어 : 임상실습, 감정노동, 자아존중감, 전공만족도, 간호대학생Abstract This study was done to identify the relationship between emotional labor, self-esteem, and major satisfaction of clinical practice among nursing students. Participants were 199 nursing students who had clinical practice that located in B-city and K-do during the period from August 3rd to 17th, 2015. The average mean scores for self esteem, emotional labor, and major satisfaction were 3.53, 3.26 and 3.46 (5 scale). Pearson's correlation revealed self esteem had a significant positive effect on major satisfaction, while emotional labor had a negative effect on major satisfaction. Factors having a significant influence on major satisfaction included self esteem, satisfaction of college life, and level of academic scores. These factors explained 34.0% of variance in major satisfaction. Thus, the satisfaction of college life, self esteem, and academic score were required to manage for major satisfaction of nursing students.