-A designer's intent and knowledge about the critical issues and trade-offs underlying a custom circuit design are implicit in the simulations she sets up for design creation and verification. However, this knowledge is tightly conjoined with technology-specific features and decoupled from the final schematic in traditional design flows. As a result, this knowledge is easily lost when the technology specifics change. This paper presents a Technology Agnostic Simulation Environment (TASE), which is a tool that uses simulation templates to capture the designer's knowledge and separate it from the technologyspecific components of a simulation. TASE also allows the designer to form groups of related simulations and port them as a unit to a new technology. This allows an actual design schematic to remain tied to the analyses that illuminate the underlying trade-offs and design issues, unlike the case where schematics are ported alone. Giving the designer immediate access to the trade-offs, which are likely to change in new technologies, accelerates the re-design that often must accompany porting of complicated custom circuits. We demonstrate the usefulness of TASE by investigating Read and Write noise margins for a 6T SRAM in predictive technologies down to 16 nm.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe rapid creation of new technologies according to Moore's Law has made cross-technology porting an important part of circuit design. An ideal method for porting custom circuits would reuse an existing design in a new technology while also re-optimizing or restructuring the design to best take advantage of that process's features. For complicated blocks that defy complete automation, the best way to do this would expose the tradeoffs and knowledge that underlie the original design in full view of the designer in the new technology. Existing methods for porting offer imperfect solutions. Classic ASIC flows approach porting by largely decoupling the design (e.g. HDL) from a specific technology. The foundry typically provides the process dependent part of the design flow (standard cell library), allowing for relatively easy porting. Custom circuits, on the other hand, require more careful designer intervention for process porting. A large number of tools exist for direct porting of custom layout (e.g. [1]), but these do not carry any useful design information to help a custom designer. To access design information, designers can use built-in SPICE features (.alter, .param, .lib) that allow single netlists to support multiple processes, but these features become unwieldy for complex designs or when reusing netlists for different simulations. Many designers employ their own scripts for porting designs and simulations, but these tend to be ad hoc, proprietary, or generally unavailable to the community.A large variety of optimization tools for analog circuits have been proposed, and some of these aid with process porting (e.g. [2]). The tool in [3] ports analog schematics and layout by identifying known sub-blocks (e.g. current mirror) and...