Samenvatting 1. Introduction leaderless homogeneous multi-agent systems. In Chapter 3, we extend the results in Chapter 2 on distributed linear quadratic suboptimal control for leaderless multi-agent systems to the case of distributed linear quadratic suboptimal tracking control for leader-follower multi-agent systems. The computation of the local control gains in Chapters 2 and 3 requires complete knowledge of the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix or of a given positive definite matrix associated with the communication graph interconnecting the agents, often called global information. In Chapter 4, we aim at removing this dependence on global information. For multiagent systems with single integrator agent dynamics, we establish a decentralized computation method for computing suboptimal local control gains. Chapters 5-7 deal with the distributed H 2 suboptimal control problem. In Chapter 5, we study this problem for homogeneous multi-agent systems by static relative state feedback, and the results are then generalized in Chapter 6 to the case of dynamic relative output feedback. In Chapter 7, we further generalize the results in Chapters 5 and 6, and investigate the distributed H 2 suboptimal control problem for heterogeneous multi-agent systems. In Chapter 8, we study H 2 and H ∞ suboptimal distributed filtering problems for linear systems. In Chapter 9, we formulate the conclusions of this thesis, and discuss directions for possible future research.