There are many pixel-level and sub-pixel-level edge localization methods, but some methods perform poorly in the presence of noise and require image pre-processing or iterative methods to improve the localization accuracy, which increases the computational cost. In this paper, we propose an improved Zernike moment subpixel edge localization algorithm based on the ramp model, and combine the idea of bilinear interpolation method to optimize the selection of parameters in the edge model. Through the validation of several examples, it is found that the algorithm outperforms the compared methods for edge localization of noisy images. After the edge detection, in order to improve the measurement accuracy of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plates, a parallel line fitting method is proposed to fit the edge points, thus avoiding the interference of extraneous noise points and achieving accurate measurement of PVC plate size. The experiments were carried out for several measurements of the sheet length, and the method was verified to have high measurement accuracy.