Abstract-A substrate-integrated-waveguide (SIW) antenna with high directivity for data transmission between a missile and a control platform, usually an aircraft, is presented. By simply setting vias and loading parasitic elements to a rectangle patch on an FR4 substrate, good resonance with effective concentration of current was therefore achieved. For verification, constructed prototypes of both the proposed SIW antenna and the 2/3 scaled system of the designed SIW antenna mounted on the missile were simulated and measured. Good agreement between both has been obtained The original SIW antenna working at C band has an operating bandwidth of 100 MHz (4.78-4.88 GHz) and an average gain of about 5 dBi as well, whereas the scaled missilemounted antenna system has an operating bandwidth of 160 MHz (7.17-7.33 GHz) with a gain of about 3 dBi at 7.24 GHz. Also, directive radiation patterns suitable for use on data transmission in a missileaircraft transceiver system have been measured for the both cases.