After infiltration with epinephrine solution in each adipose area, an 8- or 10-mm cannula, without the suction tube connected, was introduced. With a curettage maneuver and by directing the cannula upward, the fat began to come out spontaneously. After obtaining a considerable amount of fat, the suction tube was connected and the remaining fat tissue aspirated at low suction power (250 mm Hg). With this curettage maneuver adiposity of the abdomen, knees, and trochanteric areas can be reduced. However, in the back, buttocks, or thighs, where adiposity is more fibrous, aspiration is needed from the start in almost every case, but always at low-power suction. This procedure is indicated in particular for the face and neck and for secondary liposuction. The fact that fat comes out easily through the cannula (without suction) demonstrates that the curettage maneuver is more important than the aspiration. Only with curettage can a considerable amount of fat be removed. No fat is removed when aspiration of 1 atm without a curettage maneuver is used. Suction only helps to remove fat already mobilized and free in the cannula. Our experience includes 34 patients.