For a commutative Noetherian ring R of prime characteristic, denote by f R the ring R with the left structure given by the Frobenius map. We develop Thomas Marley's work on the property of the Frobenius functor F(−) = − ⊗ R f R and show some interplays between F and its dual F(−) = Hom R ( f R, −) which is introduced by Jürgen Herzog.R is quasi-Gorenstein if and only if R is FPI (Theorem4.5). Finally, we introduce rings for which F preserves reflexivity ( FPR for short), and show that an F-finite one-dimensional local ring is Gorenstein ( resp. FPI) if and only if it is FPR and inj.dim R F(R) < ∞ (resp. R is Cohen-Macaulay and F(R) has a non-trivial free direct summand) (see Theorem 4.14).
PRELIMINARIESThroughout this paper R is a commutative Noetherian ring with prime characteristic p and all modules are finitely generated R-modules unless otherwise stated explicitly. The Frobenius map f : R → R is defined by f (r) = r p for all r ∈ R which is a ring homomorphism. Let f R denote the (R − R)-bimodule which is R as an additive group and has the structure on the left defined by f and the structure on the right defined by the identity map on R. For a positive integer e, denote f e = f • · · · • f : R → R, e times. Throughout the paper, we use some key functors derived from f e . Notation 2.1. (i) Let f e (−) be the functor from the category of R-modules to itself such that, for an R-module M, f e M denote the abelian group M viewed as a (R − R)-bimodule via the left and right scaler products 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13H10; 13D45.