1980. Deposition of atmospheric pollutants a s measured by lichen element content in the Athabasca oil sands area. Can. J . Bot. 58: 2323-2334.The aluminium, potassium, sulphur, titanium, and vanadium contents of the lichens Clrirlina arblrsclrla (Wallr.) Hale and W. Culb., Euernia mesornorpha Nyl., and Hypogyrnnia physodes (L.) Nyl. were determined for up to 69 sites in the Athabasca oil sands area in northern Alberta. The element accumulation by these lichens was related to both gaseous and particulate emissions from industrial sources and to a localized windblown dust component. The deposition of atmospheric emissions around an oil-extraction plant as measured by lichen thallus concentration closely followed the distribution patterns measured by physical and chemical methods. Visible changes in the thallus condition appeared to be related to the element concentrations. ADDISON, P. A , , et K. J . PUCKETT. 1980. Deposition of atmospheric pollutants as measured by lichen element content in the Athabasca oil sands area. Can. J. Bot. 58: 2323-2334. Les teneurs en aluminium, potassium, soufre, titanium et vanadium des lichens Cladina arb~rscula (Wallr.) Hale et W. Culb., Euernia rnesornorpha Nyl. et Hypogytnnia physodes (L.) Nyl. ont ete determinees pour 69 sites dans la rCgion des sables bitumineux d e I'Athabasca, dans le nord d e {'Alberta. L'accumulation d'elements par ces lichens etait reliee tant aux emissions gazeuses qu'aux emissions de particules provenant de sources industrielles, ainsi qu'a une composante locale d e poussiere eolienne. L e dCp6t d'dmissions atmospheriques aux environs d'une usine d'extraction d e petrole, mesure par la concentration dans les thalles des lichens, se rapprochait des modeles de distribution mesures selon des mCthodes physiques et chimiques. Les modifications visibles d e l'etat des thalles paraissaient reliees aux concentrations d'elements.