The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become one of the most powerful tools in the modern medical diagnosis and interventional therapy. It can achieve very fast scanning due to the synchronization in time and space under the high field with a high homogeneity. High field with the high stability in time can improve the ratio of signal to noise (SNR) and imaging resolution. It has become an important diagnostic tool in the early cancer, the evaluation of the efficacy of treatment and high-risk surgery, neuroscience and molecular imaging. On the other hand, in the recent years, the development of an openness high field magnet can combine the MRI with PET and/or accelerator, which contribute to form more excellent medical diagnosis tools. The high field superconducting has been widely used in the medical imaging. The superconducting magnet technology depends on the development of material and cryogenic technology. In this paper, the superconducting MRI systems applied in the medical diagnosis and interventional therapy in China were reviewed. Index Terms-high field; superconducting magnet; MRI system; medical imaging technology B B G J J J J