Ag emini-type amphiphilic molecule,c onstituted of two V-shaped polyaromatic amphiphiles linked by al inear acetylene spacer,w as synthesized.T he gemini amphiphile assembles into aw ell-defined aromatic micelle (ca. 2nmi n core diameter), providing higher stability in water even at low concentration (0.09 mm)a nd high temperature (> 130 8 8C). Unlike common gemini amphiphiles with aliphatic chains,the present amphiphile and its micellar assembly emit green and orange fluorescence (F F = 33 and 9%), respectively.D espite strong and multiple p-stacks of the polyaromatic panels of the amphiphiles,t he water-soluble gemini aromatic micelle incorporates medium-size to large hydrophobic compounds into the frameworks.I nterestingly,t he guest binding capability toward large planar molecules was enhanced by more than two times through the pre-encapsulation of spherical molecules in the cavity.