“…State anti-affirmative action laws have restricted the criteria used to consider what constitutes "merit" in several states' public institutions, and have influenced decreases in Latinos' application and enrollment rates in highly selective public institutions in California (Oakes et al, 2006), Texas (Tienda, 2010), and Washington (Brown & Hirschman, 2006 Supreme Court decision in the Fisher v. University of Texas case did not result in the categorical banning of the consideration of race in college admissions, it left room to expose such policies to increased judicial "strict scrutiny" in the future (Alder, 2013;Schmidt, 2013). Collectively, these sets of policies affect Latino im/migrant students' educational opportunity in distinctive, yet related ways, and can influence Latino im/migrant students to feel as if postsecondary education, particularly selective postsecondary education, is out of reach (Gildersleeve, 2010;Núñez & Gildersleeve, 2014).…”