The technical solution used to improve and manage the storage and retrieval of data from databases is known as a database management system (DBMS). A transaction signifies a change in the database's data. It is an activity or sequence of operations performed by a single user or application software to read or change the database's contents. A transaction can fail before all the actions in the set are completed, which is a concern. This might occur because of a power outage, a system crash, or other factors while Concurrency Control in a Database Management System is a method of controlling many actions at the same time without their interfering. To resolve these issues, the various techniques are presented in this study with discussion of techniques and algorithms used. Concurrency control methods like locking, timestamps, and Optimistic Concurrency Control can be used to handle concurrent transactions and avoid conflicts. Studying a distributed database for relational (MySQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB), as well as the implementation and performance of ACID transactions in NoSQL, is another proposal (MongoDB).