ContextOver the last decade, the widespread adoption of cloud computing has spawned a new branch of the computing industry, known as green cloud computing. Cloud computing is improving, and data centers are increasing at regular frequencies to meet the demands of users. Cloud providers, on the other hand, pose major environmental risks because massive data centers use a large amount of energy and leave a carbon footprint. One possible solution to this issue is the use of green cloud computing. However, clients face signi cant di culties in adopting green cloud computing.
ObjectiveThis study aims to understand the problems faced by client organizations while considering green cloud computing. In addition, this study aims to empirically identify the solution to the challenges faced by green cloud computing practitioners.
MethodA questionnaire survey approach was used to get insight into green cloud computing practitioners concerning the challenges they faced and their solutions.
ResultsData were obtained from sixty-nine professionals in green cloud computing. The results revealed that "lack of quality of service", "lack of dynamic response", and "lack of services to satisfy client's requirements" are critical for green cloud computing. In addition, sixty-three practices for addressing the challenges in green cloud computing are also identi ed.
ConclusionThe identi ed challenges and practices of green cloud computing will bene t the client organizations to update and revise their process to consider green cloud computing. In addition, it will also assist vendor organizations in developing, planning, and managing systems concerning client satisfaction.were invited by the emails they provided in their papers. The details are listed in Table 1.