Three years ago one of us was asked by a funding agency to dust off his crystal ball and assess the fu ture importance of picosecond studies to chemistry. After a careful "objective" review of what had been accomplished up to then, and trying hard not to appear self-serving, he boldly concluded that a modest increase in the level of fu nding for picosecond instrumental developments appeared to be justified. In the light of what has occurred since then, this recommendation can only be considered cowardly. Almost all application of picosecond techniques in biology and biophysics has taken place in the past 2 or 3 years. Valuable new insights have been gained and in some areas, notably photosynthesis, striking ad vances in understanding have been made. Why? What special magic do picosecond techniques hold for biology? To answer this question we must trace its roots back to chemistry. The vast majority of chemical and biochemical reactions are composed of many elementary steps. The primary steps, which involve energy migration, bond breakage, molecular rearrangements, and charge transfer, all occur in the time range fr om about 10-14 to 10-8 sec. The "slowness" of an overall reaction is usually determined by other considerations, such as steric fa ctors and diffusion of reactants to the site of reaction. Picosecond spectroscopy enables us for the fi rst time to take a look at these primary steps.In this review we fo cus on the new insights that picosecond studies have provided in several important areas of biology. The area that has received the greatest emphasis to date is photosynthesis, which undoubtedly is appropriate, since we are all dependent upon photosynthesis both for our origin and for our continued survival. Picosecond fluorescence studies in both plants and bacteria show that excitation energy migrates fr om the antenna or light-harvesting system to the . reaction center in times that range fr om 10 psec to about I nsec, depending upon 189