Public or Private-School Background of Higher Education Students 64 The Geography of Higher Education 84 Ethnic Minorities and Ethnic Priorities 96 Aborigines and the Irrelevance of Education 128 Social Class 129 10 Type and Level of Study 150 Social Background of Technical and Further Education Students 163 12 A Future for Privilege? 170 References Index 187 Tables 2.1 Students at Australian universities 20 2.2 Number of secondary school students in Australia 23 2.3 Total enrolment in courses with some tertiary content 30 2.4 Enrolments of colleges of advanced education in Australia 30 2.5 Student teachers, by type of institution 31 2.6 Participation rates in Australian universities 33 2.7 Number of technical education students in Australia 33 2.8 TAFE enrolments 34 2.9 Total TAFE enrolments 35 3.1 Age distribution of full-time and part-time university students 37 3.2 Age distribution of male and female university students 38 3.3 Age distribution of full-time and part-time CAE students 39 3.4 Age distribution of TAFE students 42 4.1 School students aged 15 to 18 years as a percentage of the Australian population 45 4.2 Rate of retention to year 12 of Australian secondary schools 46 4.3 Women as percentage of student population in Australian universities 49 4.4 Proportions of Masters and Doctoral students who are women 51 4.5 Proportion of bachelor degree students who are women 52 4.6 Women as a percentage of the total student population 53 4.7 Women students at various faculties 54 4.8 Proportion of women students at the University of Sydney 55 4.9 Participation in Australian colleges of advanced education according to sex 57 4.10 Participation by women in CAEs 58 4.11 Teaching trainees in Australia 59 4.12 Proportion of male and female technical education students in New South Wales 61 4.13 Proportions of male and female technical and further education students 62 5.1 Rate of retention year 12 of Australian secondary schools 65 5.2 University of Adelaide-male graduates who attended South Australian schools 66 5.3 School background of graduates of Melbourne University 67 5.4 School background of first year students in scientific faculties 67 5.5 School background of entrants to Melbourne University 69 5.6 Percentage distribution of entrants to Monash University 69 5.7 Percentage of successful 1957 matriculants enrolling at Australian universities 70 5.8 Type of school attended 71 5.9 Type of school attended by full-time students 72 vi viii Joan Anderson, Don Brewster, Dan Coward, Elena Eaton and Peter Grant each read sections of the manuscript and made many helpful suggestions. Eveline Bancroft typed successive drafts. As a result of their help the text is more accurate than it would otherwise have been. They have our appreciation, and our assurance that responsibility for any remaining errors is ours alone. D.S.A. A.E.V. xii Access to Privilege students working at a level below what is conventionally called tertiary education. The social background of technical and further education students has rarely been exa...