3D character modeling, a vital part in film and video game production, is a process that starts by blocking out the basic geometry of a character, which is then transformed into a detailed and enhanced mesh. This process can be a long and daunting task to novice modelers. As a result, extensive research in the area of sketch-based modeling has focused on finding solutions that facilitate this process.We developed a sketch-based modeling system that constructs the basic 3D geometry of a human character mesh based on a single front-view sketch and minimal user interaction through a simple interface. The main objective of this system is to help novice modelers by automating the initial phase of the modeling process with the aid of an intuitive user interface, and to construct a basic mesh with suitable structure that conforms to common modeling techniques.We conducted a user study to evaluate the system's user interface and produced mesh.Results show that our system's user interface is intuitive and easy to use. In addition, the system produces suitable meshes that modelers considered usable to facilitate the modeling process. Moreover, the processing time of our system is faster than the average time it takes modelers to manually construct a similar mesh, an advantage that benefits modelers who value the speed of a sketch-based modeling system, in addition to the accuracy of its results.ii Acknowledgments I would like to give special thanks to my supervisor, Professor Chris Joslin, for sharing his valuable knowledge, for his guidance and support, and his patience throughout this journey. I would also like to thank Ms. Erenia Hernández Oliver, the graduate administrator at the School of Information Technology, for her unconditional support and for always willing to give the advise and help I needed. I'm also thankful to all the staff at the School of Information Technology, who helped me during user study recruitment and set up. Their effort is deeply appreciated.