Paper aims: This research establishes a method to evaluate a concurrent production system in parallel, through new operating curves of six sigma metrics.Originality: Se proposes a novel method that provides criteria to monitor the performance of a production system in changing production conditions.Research method: This research was approached from a logical positivist epistemological model, through a heuristic analysis and with a rational propositional approach to establish the characterization of the model, the evaluation metrics and propose the new operation curves.
Main findings:The results obtained show that as the sigma level increases in the global system (4.17), the level of defects per million opportunities decreases considerably and the performance increases at levels close to the main objective of Six Sigma, all this with a decrease of defects from 20.657 to 1.317, generating a high quality of 99.99% and achieving a good performance according to the established quality criteria.
Implications for theory and practice:This research provides a new tool where they articulate concepts of six sigma and operating curves to monitor a productive system, which allows in a practical way to determine the real capabilities in terms of quality performance of a system.