Information security comprises advancements, methods and practices proposed to guarantee protection of system hubs, programs, information, data and system from hack assaults, modifications to data or unintended access. To repress cybercriminals from gaining access to system resources specifically sensitive data, it is fundamental for organizations and individuals to take necessary actions to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of delicate data. Information security spreads complex strategies to safeguard not only data during transmission, but also data stored in the system even when the system is not connected to the internet. In other words, it encompasses security of both data at rest and data in transmission. Numerous strategies have been employed by the professionals to protect organizations and records from interlopers. To deal with malevolent projects, there are a great deal of "off the rack" just as tweaked items accessible in the market which additionally give ongoing barrier and security to the delicate and sensitive data. There is still absence of techniques on the most capable strategy to appear and execute tasks that can be accustomed to the activities taking place at real time. This paper focuses on looking into the present methodologies used to give digital security, and identify the various loopholes in the present situation