Healthy coral reefs include several benefits for coastal destinations. They are indicated as a resource for naturebased tourism and a home for a large portion of marine life. In addition, coral reefs contribute to coastal protection and seafood production. Some of the public health threats of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) are harmful sunburn, skin cancer, and photoaging. Increased attention to these harmful impacts has led to an increased usage of sunscreens that contain UV filters. Studies have confirmed that sunscreens have several damage to coral reefs such as coral bleaching and damage to coral DNA. Data from 304 tourists have been obtained by filling in an available selfcompleted questionnaire in an electronic format and printed one. The statistical program for Social Science (SPSS program V 28) software has been used to analyze survey data. Tourists should have environmental awareness of the coral reefs' value besides the negative impact of sunscreens on them. Therefore, the necessity of environmental awareness leads to achieving the sustainable use of coral reefs by researching alternatives to sunscreens and encouraging the manufacture and use of reef-safe sunscreens.