The overweight and obesity rate is increasing for decades worldwide. Healthy nutrition is, besides education and physical activity, one of the various keys to tackle this issue. In an effort to increase the availability of digital, healthy recommendations, the scientific area of food recommendation extends its focus from the accuracy of the recommendations to beyond-accuracy goals like transparency and healthiness. To address this issue a data basis is required, which in the ideal case encompasses user-item interactions like ratings and reviews, food-related information such as recipe details, nutritional data, and in the best case additional data which describes the food items and their relations semantically. Though several recipe recommendation data sets exist, to the best of our knowledge, a holistic large-scale healthiness-aware and connected data sets have not been made available yet. The lack of such data could partially explain the poor popularity of the topic of healthy food recommendation when compared to the domain of movie recommendation. In this paper, we show that taking into account only user-item interactions is not sufficient for a recommendation. To close this gap, we propose a connected data set called HUMMUS (Health-aware User-centered recoMMendation and argUment-enabling data Set) collected from containing multiple features including rich nutrient information, text reviews, and ratings, enriched by the authors with extra features such as Nutri-scores and connections to semantic data like the FoodKG and the FoodOn ontology. We hope that these data will contribute to the healthy food recommendation domain.