Let U be a pseudoconvex open set in a complex manifold M . When is U a Stein manifold? There are classical counter examples due to Grauert, even when U has real-analytic boundary or has strictly pseudoconvex points. We give new criteria for the Steinness of U and we analyze the obstructions. The main tool is the notion of Levi-currents. They are positive ∂∂-closed currents T of bidimension (1, 1) and of mass 1 directed by the directions where all continuous psh functions in U have vanishing Leviform. The extremal ones, are supported on the sets where all continuous psh functions are constant. We also construct under geometric conditions, bounded strictly psh exhaustion functions, and hence we obtain DonnellyFefferman weights. To any infinitesimally homogeneous manifold, we associate a foliation. The dynamics of the foliation determines the solution of the Levi-problem. Some of the results can be extended to the context of pseudoconvexity with respect to a Pfaff-system. Classification AMS 2010: Primary: 32Q28, 32U10; 32U40; 32W05; Secondary 37F75