Abstract-These days, educational institutions and organizations are generating huge amount of data, more than the people can read in their lifetime. It is not possible for a person to learn, understand, decode, and interpret to find valuable information. Data mining is one of the most popular method which can be used to identify hidden patterns from large databases. User can extract historical, hidden details, and previously unknown information, from large repositories by applying required mining techniques. There are two algorithms which can be used to classify and predict, such as supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Classification is a technique which performs an induction on current data (existing data) and predicts future class. The main objective of classification is to make an unknown class to known class by consulting its neighbor class. therefore it is called as supervised learning, it builds the classifier by consulting with the known class labels such as k-nearest neighbor algorithm (k-NN), Naïve Bayes (NB), support vector machine (SVM), decision tree. Clustering is an unsupervised learning that builds a model to group similar objects into categories without consulting a class label. The main objective of clustering is find the distance between objects like nearby and faraway based on their similarities and dissimilarities it groups the objects and detects outliers. In this paper Weka tool is used to analyze by applying preprocessing, classification on institutional academic result of under graduate students of computer science & engineering.