Obesity occurs when a person's body mass index is 25kg/m2 or above, and it is often associated with a higher risk of morbidity, disability, and death. The study comprised of 50 students, and their weight, height, Age, Random blood glucose, Transaminase enzymes, Thyroid hormone, Iron profile, and Cytological staining with Pap and PAS were determined. Increase random blood glucose level in obese II students (p0.001) when compared to the control, overweight and obese I. The liver profile showed a gradual increase in SGOT and SGPT in Overweight, Obese I, and Obese II. Cytomorphologic changes in Overweight students were 65% negative, 27% of the smears showed Dyskaryotic nuclear changes and 6.8% showed inflammatory. PAS smear shows 96.55% negative and 3.33% positive glycogen content. As recorded among obese PAS were 29% positive for the glycogen content and 71% negative. There was a statistical significance of pas smear difference between overweight and obese students (p<0.05*). Obesity is a common risk factor for several non-communicable diseases, and it's is observed that obesity in students is steadily rising especially the obese II group.