Human has always searched for higher living standards and greater power. Higher
Significance of School Energy PolicyEnergy policy is a means of determining how energy will be produced, contributed and consumed. It is derived from energy conservation guidelines, public concerns, state legislation, taxation, international agreements, environmental issues and investment encouragement. U.S. Department of Energy defines energy policy as "An energy policy establishes and validates top management's commitment to energy performance improvement. It must be defined by top management, as well as documented and understood by employees and anyone working on behalf of the organization" (U.S. Department of Energy, 2015).Although The European Union's interest in energy efficiency and policy started with energy crisis due to dramatically increased oil prices in the 70s with some poorly implemented energy directives, in 1989 the first uses of The TERMIE program that provided energy technologies was a milestone and the original SAVE program was approved in 1991 (Allard & Seppanen, 2009). The 1998's action plan recommended the Union Members 1% additional energy efficiency improvement higher than expectations. The European Union announced its first mandatory energy policy in 2005 followed by "Energy for a Changing World" policy in January 2007 and EU obligatory 20/20/20 energy policy objectives in March 2007(Obrecht et al., 2013. The leaders of the Union agreed in March 2007 to reduce the EU's projected energy consumption by 20 % by 2020. That is the equivalent of closing 400 power stations. In 2011, the Union proposed an energy efficiency plan up to the year 2050 and in 2012, an energy efficiency directive for indicative energy efficiency targets (EUR-Lex, 2015). In October 2014, the Union leaders agreed on a higher energy savings target of 27 %, or greater, by 2030.On a national scale -depending on the country in accordance with the constitution, relevant directives and international treaties-a national energy policy basically aims at:• Increasing energy efficiency, energy reliability and job opportunities