“…methyloxime at C7 on the Bring), appear to have a deeper and/or tighter binding site to the Shaker KV channel, with a larger effect on closing kinetics than expected, than if they only acted on the voltage sensor via electrostatic interactions (Elinder and Arhem, 2003). We also show in Article II that minor modifications of the DHAA molecule, such as changing the chirality of the carboxyl group, can have a profound effect for the G(V)-shifting effect of a resin acid (Wu et al, 2018). Thus, only small changes of the resin acid molecule (anchor, stalk and effector) can be very powerful; each in combination with the others make it possible both to fine tune the binding of the resin acid to different channels, and/or increase or decrease the electrostatic interaction depending on the gatingcharge profile around the voltage sensor.…”