The phase behaviour of two achiral bent core banana-shaped compounds, the hexyloxy (compound I) and decyloxy (compound II) members of the 1,3-phenylene bis[N-(2-hydroxy-4-n-alkoxybenzylidene)-4'-aminobenzoate] series was investigated under hydrostatic pressures up to 300 MPa using high pressure differential thermal analysis and light transmission methods. The reversible transition sequence crystal (Cr 1 )-B 1 phase-isotropic liquid (I), observed at room pressure for compound I, remains in the pressure region up to c 70 MPa. At higher pressures a pressure-induced crystalline phase (Cr i ) appears between the Cr 1 and B 1 phases, its temperature region becoming wider with increasing pressure. The temperature vs. pressure phase diagram shows a triple point of 72.9 MPa and 160.3 ‡C for the Cr 1 , Cr i and B 1 phases, indicating the lower limit of pressure for the Cr i phase. In compound II the reversible transition sequence crystal (Cr 1 )-B 2 phase-I is seen over the whole pressure region, and the temperature range of the B 2 phase remains unaltered. It is concluded that both the B 1 and B 2 banana phases are stable over the whole pressure region studied.