The catabolic pathways of branched-chain amino acids have two common steps. The first step is deamination catalyzed by the vitamin B 6 -dependent branched-chain aminotransferase isozymes (BCATs) to produce branched-chain ␣-keto acids (BCKAs). The second step is oxidative decarboxylation of the BCKAs mediated by the branched-chain ␣-keto acid dehydrogenase enzyme complex (BCKD complex). The BCKD complex is organized around a cubic core consisting of 24 lipoate-bearing dihydrolipoyl transacylase (E2) subunits, associated with the branched-chain ␣-keto acid decarboxylase/dehydrogenase (E1), dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3), BCKD kinase, and BCKD phosphatase. In this study, we provide evidence that human mitochondrial BCAT (hBCATm) associates with the E1 decarboxylase component of the rat or human BCKD complex with a K D of 2.8 M. NADH dissociates the complex. The E2 and E3 components do not interact with hBCATm. In the presence of hBCATm, k cat values for E1-catalyzed decarboxylation of the BCKAs are enhanced 12-fold. Mutations of hBCATm proteins in the catalytically important CXXC center or E1 proteins in the phosphorylation loop residues prevent complex formation, indicating that these regions are important for the interaction between hBCATm and E1. Our results provide evidence for substrate channeling between hBCATm and BCKD complex and formation of a metabolic unit (termed branched-chain amino acid metabolon) that can be influenced by the redox state in mitochondria.The flow of metabolites through an individual pathway and the integration of multiple metabolic pathways involve a complex interplay of different reactions and regulatory mechanisms. Until recently, the focus has been on the regulation of the individual proteins involved in these processes. The function of a protein can also be defined on the basis of its interactions with other proteins (1) and how these interactions impact on protein function and the flux of a metabolite through a pathway. The concept that metabolic enzymes associate to form supramolecular structures was developed over 50 years ago (2), and the term metabolon was introduced by Paul Srere in 1985 (3). Advantages of such a supramolecular assembly include channeling of substrates between enzymes in a pathway for efficiency, regulating the pathway flux by association and dissociation of relevant enzymes, and targeting the localization of the interacting enzymes with the appropriate intracellular structures (3). Association of mitochondrial citric acid cycle enzymes has been reported (4, 5). The goal of this study was to determine whether mitochondrial enzymes of the branchedchain amino acid (BCAA) 4 catabolic pathway can associate to form a supramolecular complex.The first step in catabolism of the essential BCAAs, leucine, isoleucine, and valine, is reversible transamination catalyzed by the branched-chain aminotransferase (BCAT) isozymes to form the branched-chain ␣-keto acids (BCKAs). Aminotransferases exhibit Ping Pong Bi Bi reaction kinetics, where E⅐PLP and E⅐PMP denote the e...