The study of learner strategy, started by reference[1] by giving a description of successful language learners, has already been carried out since 1975. There are three different types of good learner conducted by him. (1) The good language learner is willing and excels at guessing. (2) The good language learner excels at communicate with other. (3) The good language learner is often not inhibited [1]. Based on Rubin findings, the researchers are trying to prove if these findings are also workable on EFL learners in the classroom, particularly at university. Teaching reading has ever since gained much attention in the core principle of the grammar translation method. Reading skills as reference[2] stated was mostly thought of as comprehensible input which is the mere reason to paying the way for gaining knowledge in various skills, especially speaking and writing. In addition, voluntary reading was emphasized by reference[2] as an approach to covering a variety of communicative language competence to academic language competence. This study aims to convey different sorts of reading strategies that are frequently used by advanced English learners in Taiwan EFL college students. When it comes to implementations of the finding of the current study, it benefits teachers to develop teaching methods and has positive effect on curriculum design, Up to now, few study has resembled the current one conducted on Taiwan advanced English language learners, especially Taiwan college students. 1.2. Problem Statement The problems to be addressed are what Taiwan college students use reading strategies most or least, and what college students have difficulties while reading English. The purpose of the study is to provide a review of the research literature related to the importance of effective strategies in EFL reading instructions for EFL college students in Taiwan, and how to make applications for improving reading comprehension for Taiwanese EFL college students.