Learning objects, as a relatively new technological concept, have drawn much attention from educators because these dijital resources are easily accessible, relatively easy to use due to their limited size and focus, interactive, and adaptable to many different educational contexts. Despite the fact that learning objects have the great potential to improve teaching and learning experiences by providing teachers reusable learning materials and reducing costs, the lack of a "working and clear" definition of these materials has restricted their effective and efficient use. This study aimed to explore elementary school teacher perceptions of their use of learning objects from a qualitative research paradigm in order to reveal the extent to which teachers understand concept of learning object and its instruction approach. The method of the study was based on descriptive phenomenology. Data were collected using multiple methods, including the semi-structured interview, field observation reports, and photos from nine inservice elementary school teachers from different departments in Duzce, Turkey. Methods of data analysis were based on Giorgi's method of descriptive phenomenology including four stages of content analysis: data coding, developing themes, organizing code and themes, describing findings. Overall findings of the study indicate that teachers use learning objects in their lesson activities without explicit recognition; however they generally fail to understand the exact meaning of a learning object approach and its applications in the classroom. Participants understood different properties of learning objects. Almost all participants perceive objectivity as the most important characteristic of the learning object. In addition, a majority of the teachers recognized the value of a learning object's reusability. In-service teachers' vague perceptions of the definition and usage of learning objects indicated that they used these materials without clear directions and explanations on what a learning object is, and how these materials can be used in an efficient way. Implications for teacher education and development of curriculum materials related to reusable learning objects were discussed. Keywords: Learning objects, teacher education, elementary school teachers Öz: Bu çalışma, nitel araştırma yöntemleri ışığında ilköğretim öğretmenlerinin öğrenme nesnelerine bakış açılarını, öğrenme nesnesi kavramını ne ölçüde anladıklarını ve uygulama yaklaşımlarını ne kadar benimsediklerini incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Çalışmanın metodu, tanımlayıcı olgu bilimine dayanmaktadır. Veriler, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler, alan gözlem formları ve resimler olmak üzere farklı veri toplama araçları kullanılarak Düzce ilinde görev yapan dokuz ilköğretim öğretmeninin katılımı ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin analiz yönteminde Giorgi'nin tanımlayıcı olgu metodu kullanılmış ve dört aşamadan oluşan tümevarımcı içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Bu aşamalar; verilerin kodlanması, temaların geliştirilmesi, kodların ve temaların organizasyonu ve...