Programming is a skill of the future. However, decades of experience and research had indicated that the teaching and learning of programming are full of problems and challenges. As such educators and researchers are always on the look-out for suitable approaches and paradigms that can be adopted for the teaching and learning of programming. In this article, it is proposed that a visual output approach is suitable based on the current millennials affinities for graphics and visuals. The proposed VJava Module is developed via the application of two main learning theories, which are, the cognitive load theory and constructivism. There are two submodules which consist of eight chapters that cover the topics Introduction to Programming and Java, Object Using Turtle Graphics, Input and Output, Repetition Structure, Selection Structure, More Repetition Structures, Nested Loops and Arrays. To enable Java programs to produce graphical and animated outputs, the MJava library was developed and integrated into this module. The module is validated by three Java programming experts and an instructional design expert on the module content, design and usability aspects.