Drones, formally known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), are versatile technology increasingly associated with many modern-day applications. The advancements in technology have brought about a revolution in drones, extending their applications in various fields, including forensic science. Despite their potential, the full extent of drone capabilities in forensic science remains unclear and limited by a lack of defined evidence. Therefore, this article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the current literature on the use of drones in forensic science, while also highlighting the challenges and limitations of their deployment. This review seeks to identify areas for further research and development in the use of drones in forensic science by exploring the key issues. The use of Arksey and O’Malley’s framework updated by Joanna Briggs Institute for Scoping Reviews methodology shows that drones have proven to be a valuable technology in various forensic-related events, including clandestine graves detection, crime scene investigations, traffic accident investigations, disaster assistance, and pollution detection. However, there is still inadequate information on the use of drones in forensic science, particularly in enhancing the Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) procedure during the initial phase of a disaster. Therefore, this paper aims to provide insights into the potential applications of drones in forensic science and promote their integration into related fields.