Abstract. Probabilistic models to inform landslide early warning systems often rely on rainfall totals observed during past events with landslides. However, these models are generally developed for broad regions using large catalogs, with dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of landslide occurrences. This study evaluates strategies for training landslide forecasting models with a scanty record of landslide-triggering events, which is a typical limitation in remote, sparsely populated regions. We train and evaluate 136 statistical models with a rainfall dataset with five landslide-triggering rainfall events recorded near Sitka, Alaska, USA, as well as >6,000 days of non-triggering rainfall (2002–2020). We use Akaike, Bayesian, and leave-one-out information criteria to compare models trained on cumulative precipitation at timescales ranging from 1 hour to 2 weeks, using both frequentist and Bayesian methods to estimate the daily probability and intensity of potential landslide occurrence (logistic regression and Poisson regression). We evaluate the best-fit models using leave-one-out validation as well as with testing a subset of the data. Despite this sparse landslide inventory, we find that probabilistic models can effectively distinguish days with landslides from days without. Although frequentist and Bayesian inference produce similar estimates of landslide hazard, they do have different implications for use and interpretation: frequentist models are familiar and easy to implement, but Bayesian models capture the rare-events problem more explicitly and allow for better understanding of parameter uncertainty given the available data. Three-hour precipitation totals are the best predictor of elevated landslide hazard, and adding antecedent precipitation (days to weeks) did not improve model performance. This relatively short timescale combined with the limited role of antecedent conditions reflects the rapid draining of porous colluvial soils on very steep hillslopes around Sitka. We use the resulting estimates of daily landslide probability to establish two decision boundaries for three levels of warning. With these decision boundaries, the frequentist logistic regression model incorporates National Weather Service quantitative precipitation forecasts into a real-time landslide early warning “dashboard” system (sitkalandslide.org). This dashboard provides accessible and data-driven situational awareness for community members and emergency managers.