Background: Foetal MR imaging is widely accepted as an adjunct to foetal ultrasonography; however, there are many controversies regarding its importance and indications. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate foetuses with different midline cerebral abnormalities, to determine the prevalence of these anomalies, to define the role of foetal MRI, and to compare MRI and ultrasound (US) result with postnatal MRI findings. Seventy-eight pregnant women who had foetuses with CNS abnormalities detected by sonogram were included. Foetuses with midline anomalies were selected and evaluated by anomaly scan foetal US, pre-and postnatal MRI. Results: Midline brain anomalies were found in 47.4% of foetuses with brain anomalies. Holoprosencephaly was found in 24.3% of midline anomaly foetuses, corpus callosum abnormalities (ACC) were detected in 40.5%, midline intracranial mass lesions in 2.7%, and midline posterior fossa anomalies in 32.