A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T O Ob bj je ec ct ti iv ve e: : To evaluate erectile function in patients with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treated by Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) operation. M Ma at te er ri ia al l a an nd d M Me et th ho od ds s: : We retrospectively reviewed our recorded data on BPH patients treated by HoLEP between May 2002 -December 2016. 106 patients were enrolled to the study. International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) questionnaires were completed both before the operation and during the follow-up period. First 12 months results on surgical outcome and erectile function after HoLEP were given in this study. R Re es su ul lt ts s: : A total of 106 patients with a mean age 73.2 ± 4.5 years old were included in this study. The mean volume of the prostate was 77.5 ± 32.3 mL. Mean operative time was 92.6 ± 33.8 min. Total energy which was used during the surgery was 203.5 ± 120 kj. Mean morcelation time was 14.2 ± 11.6 min. Catheterization and hospitalization times were 1.2 ± 0.7 day and 1.1 ± 0.5 day respectively. The mean preoperative IIEF-5 score was 16.5 ± 6. The mean values at 1, 3, 6 months, 12 months were 15.9 ± 3.5, 15.7 ± 4.5, 16.2 ± 2.9, 16.4 ± 3.8, respectively (P >05). There was no significant difference in the mean IIEF-5 scores compared with the preoperative scores during 12 months follow-up period. C Co on nc cl lu us si io on n: : HoLEP is a safe and effective method of treatment for BPH patients. The short-term surgical outcomes from the point of score on the Turkish version of the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), the maximum flow rate (Qmax) values, and post-voiding residual urine volume (PVR) were excellent. During the 12 months followup period, HoLEP has no negative impact on erectile function with no appreciable decrease on IIEF-5 scores.K Ke ey yw wo or rd ds s: : Prostatic hyperplasia; holmium; laser therapy; erectile dysfunction Ö ÖZ ZE ET T A Am ma aç ç: : Holmium lazer prostat enükleasyonu operasyonu (HoLEP) ile tedavi olan semptomatik iyi-huylu prostat hiperplazisi (BPH) li hastaların erektil fonksiyonlarını değerlendirmek. G Ge er re eç ç v ve e Y Yö ön nt te em ml le er r: : Mayıs 2002-Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında BPH nedeniyle opere edilen hastaların verileri geriye dönük olarak gözden geçirildi. 106 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Uluslararası Erektil Fonksiyon İndeksi-5 (IIEF-5) sorgulama formu, operasyon öncesi ve takip periyodu süresince dolduruldu. Bu çalışmada, HoLEP operasyonunun cerrahi sonuçları ve erektil fonksiyona etkisinin ilk 12 aylık sonuçları değerlendirildi. B Bu ul lg gu ul la ar r: : Çalışmaya dahil edilen 106 hastanın ortalama yaşı 73.2 ± 4.5 yıl idi. Ortalama prostat hacmi 77.5 ± 32.3 mL idi. Ortalama operasyon süresi 92.6 ± 33 dk ve operasyonda kullanılan total enerji 203.5 ± 120 kj idi. Ortalama morselasyon süresi 14.2 ± 11 dk iken, ortalama kateterizasyon ve yatış süresi sırasıyla; 1.2 ± 0.7 ve 1.1 ± 0.5 gündü. Preoperatif ortalama IIEF-5 skoru 16.5 ± 6. 1, 3, 6 ayda ve 12 ayda ortalama ...