Due to its widespread occurrence in practically all environmental sectors, including the terrestrial, marine, and atmospheric, microplastics (MP) have transitioned from an emerging pollutant to a chronic contaminant. Studies on the prevalence and hazardous effects on marine creatures have been conducted all over the world, but only in coastal environments. Microplastic pollution has emerged as a global concern in marine environments and a danger to animals, predators, and humans because it has been discovered in the marine environment all over the world. This review examines the quantity of MP samples around the world and their colonization by marine microorganisms, as well as the detection, features, origins, and ecological implications of paint fragments and resins in our oceans and ports. These polymers are derived from paints and the fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) matrix used in shipbuilding. Microplastics should be regarded as coming from synthetic polymers found in ship coatings. For assessing microplastic pollution, choosing an appropriate sample technique is essential. Additionally, this review offers an overview of MP investigation methods, concentrating on sampling techniques, laboratory procedures, and the identification of MPs found in seawater, as well as assessing how well they apply to the seaport environment. Because of the widespread discovery of MP pollution, particularly in Africa, Asia, India, South Africa, North America, and Europe, it is clear that monitoring is crucial for determining the efficacy of mitigation efforts to limit the quantity of waste plastic entering the environment, especially through sensors and real-time information transfer systems (e.g., smart digital seawater monitoring).