Aims. The eccentric von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai (ZLK) effect is widely used to explain dynamical phenomena in varieties of astrophysical systems. The purpose of this work is to make clear the dynamical essence of the eccentric ZLK effect by constructing an inherent connection between such an effect and dynamics of secular resonance in restricted hierarchical planetary systems. Methods. Dynamical structures of apsidal resonance are analytically studied by means of perturbative treatments. The resonant model is formulated by averaging the Hamiltonian (up to octupole order) over rotating ZLK cycles, producing an additional motion integral. The phase portraits under the resonant model can be used to analyse dynamical structures, including resonant centres, dynamical separatrices and islands of libration. Results. By analysing phase portraits, five branches of libration centres and eight libration zones are found in the eccentricityinclination space. There is an excellent agreement between analytical results of libration zone and numerical distributions of resonant orbit, indicating that the resonant model for apsidal resonances is valid and applicable. Additionally, it is found that, in the test-particle limit, distributions of flipping orbits are dominated by those apsidal resonances centred at the inclination of i = 90 • . Conclusions. The eccentric ZLK effect is dynamically equivalent to the effect of apsidal resonance in restricted hierarchical planetary systems. The dynamical response of the eccentric ZLK effect (or effect of apsidal resonance) is to significantly excite eccentricities and/or inclinations of test particles in the very long-term evolution.