This work describes the Sibyl prover, an implementation of a tableau based proof procedure for multi-modal hybrid logic with the converse, graded and global modalities, and enriched with features largely used in description logics: transitivity and relation hierarchies. The proof procedure is provably terminating when the input problem belongs to an expressive decidable fragment of hybrid logic.After a description of the implemented proof procedure, the way how the implementation deals with the most delicate aspects of the calculus is explained. Some experimental results, run on sets of randomly generated problems as well as some hand-tailored ones, show only a moderate deterioration in the performances of the prover when the number of transitivity and inclusion axioms increase. Sibyl is compared with other provers (HTab, the hybrid logic prover whose expressive power is closer to Sibyl's one, and the first-order prover SPASS). The obtained results show that Sibyl has reasonable performances.